The Digital Transition: Streamline your Field Operations with OpSource


While new and innovative ways of performing tasks can be more efficient and convenient from outsiders looking in, many of us are guilty of resisting change, clinging to the way we’ve “always done things”. This can be especially true for those who work in the utility industry when making the switch between pencil-and-paper data collection […]

What To Look For In Utility Project Management

utility project management

Understanding Utility Project Management Utility project management involves the application of project management principles to the unique challenges and requirements of utility design, engineering, and construction projects. It encompasses a range of activities aimed at planning, executing, and controlling projects to achieve specific objectives within scope, schedule, and budget constraints. Project Objectives and Scope Clear […]

Implementing Digital Project Management for the Field: Getting Buy-In

project management for the field

Implementing any new software or technology comes with challenges. For the construction and utility industry, going from paper processes and workflows to digital ones is a huge shift. These transitions require training and buy-in from everyone. Not only that, but they also represent a culture shift within the company. There are project management tools and […]

What is Industrial Project Management?

industrial project management

Industrial project management is critical to any and all industrial projects. Industrial project managers are a key part of a team and ensure the success of your projects. Continue reading below to learn more about industrial project management and the important role it plays in your operations. What is Industrial Project Management? Let’s start with […]

Redefining Project Management with AI

ai for project management

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way we work. The field of project management is no exception. Many organizations are already leveraging AI tools and machine learning to improve project management procedures and drive success. AI for Project Management The Project Management Institute outlines the 3 A’s of AI in the field […]

Best Practices for GIS Project Management

GIS Project Management

All GIS projects start with data, and lots of it. Geographic information systems (GIS) relies on understanding the relationship between a location and its context – both social and environmental.  GIS project managers use geospatial data to access risk, create models, and plan complex projects. These professionals then oversee the completion of the product, ensuring […]

Revolutionizing the Supply Chain: The Power of Industrial Apps

industrial apps

In the rapidly evolving landscape of industrial operations, the emergence of industrial apps has marked a significant shift in how businesses manage and optimize their supply chains. These applications, designed specifically for industrial purposes, are transforming the way companies approach logistics, inventory management, and overall supply chain efficiency. This article explores the ever growing world […]

OpSource is Your Construction Management Software

Building The Future with Advanced Software In the dynamic world of construction, managing projects efficiently is crucial. The OpSource software suite, including DropSource, FieldSource, and BuildSource, is transforming how construction businesses handle their operations. OpSource is not just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution for real-time task management, document management, and much more. The Edge […]

The Benefits of Going Paperless

Benefits of Going Paperless

The construction industry is also moving towards digital transformation in a time of fast technology growth. A big change in recent years is using software like sitemaps to reduce paper in construction documentation. An increasing number of construction companies are going paperless. It is a smart choice that has many benefits for the construction industry. […]

Shaping the Future of Construction with Industrial Software Solutions

industrial software

Imagine keeping tabs on an orchestra of tasks, schedules, resources, and deadlines – when you work in the construction industry, that’s a normal day in the life. Or so it used to be.  Now, the beat of this complex industry flows seamlessly, courtesy of industrial software.  Let’s look at some of the major software solutions […]