Digital Platforms for Field Data Collection: Taking a Field-First Approach


The way data is collected in the utility industry has evolved rapidly in recent years. Digital methods of collecting data have outperformed older data collection methods such as paper/hard-copy surveys in convenience and efficiency. However, workers in the field are the primary users of these platforms and may have difficulty adjusting to the implementation of […]

Making the Switch: Using Technology in the Field

Technology in the Field

In recent years, utility companies have been integrating digital data collection and task management systems into their field operations. What this means for workers in the field is that they handle various forms of technology and electronic devices such as iPads or tablets throughout their work day. These methods of data collection and task management […]

Digital Data Collection Platforms: Forms/Survey Designs

Field Data Collection

There are several types of forms field workers in the utility industry, and many others as well such as the oil and gas industry, must fill out during their day. Some of these forms include Job Safety Analysis (JSA), vehicle inspections, incident and damage reports, stop-works, and the forms or surveys relevant to the job […]

The Digital Transition: Streamline your Field Operations with OpSource


While new and innovative ways of performing tasks can be more efficient and convenient from outsiders looking in, many of us are guilty of resisting change, clinging to the way we’ve “always done things”. This can be especially true for those who work in the utility industry when making the switch between pencil-and-paper data collection […]

Why Digital Mapping Utilities Is Important

Digital Mapping Utilities

Of all the components of utility design and engineering, digital mapping utilities have emerged as arguably the most indispensable tool for enhancing project efficiency, accuracy, and safety. This article delves into the importance of digital mapping utilities in utility projects and explores the myriad benefits they offer to project managers, stakeholders, and utility professionals. Understanding […]

What To Look For In Utility Project Management

utility project management

Understanding Utility Project Management Utility project management involves the application of project management principles to the unique challenges and requirements of utility design, engineering, and construction projects. It encompasses a range of activities aimed at planning, executing, and controlling projects to achieve specific objectives within scope, schedule, and budget constraints. Project Objectives and Scope Clear […]

What is 811? When Should I Call 811? 

call 811

Look around you next time you’re walking through the city, cranes everywhere. In neighborhoods, flags oftentimes mark the ground. Construction and excavation projects are only increasing in size and amount. Ensuring safety and preventing damage to underground utility lines is paramount. One crucial tool in this endeavor is the “811” service. This article aims to […]

What Does A Utility Engineer Do? 

Utility Engineering

The role of a utility engineer is critical in ensuring the efficient design, operation, and maintenance of utility systems. This article explores the responsibilities and tasks commonly associated with utility engineering, shedding light on the vital contributions these professionals make to the infrastructure that supports our daily lives. Understanding Utility Engineering Utility engineering encompasses a […]

Leveraging GIS Mapping: Exploring the Benefits of GIS

GIS Mapping

In today’s digital age, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping has become an indispensable tool across various industries. From urban planning to environmental management, the utilization of GIS technology has revolutionized how organizations analyze and visualize spatial data. Let’s dive into the nitty gritty and explore the advantages of mobile GIS platforms and GIS in the […]

Implementing Digital Project Management for the Field: Getting Buy-In

project management for the field

Implementing any new software or technology comes with challenges. For the construction and utility industry, going from paper processes and workflows to digital ones is a huge shift. These transitions require training and buy-in from everyone. Not only that, but they also represent a culture shift within the company. There are project management tools and […]